How to grow a member through folk remedies: 5 effective methods

The question of how to enlarge the penis with folk remedies worries many men who do not like radical measures such as plastic surgery. And even if your genital size meets average statistical standards, no one will stop you from improving yourself. The main advantage of alternative medicine is safety because it uses natural substances. How effective your efforts will be depends on the recipes and methods chosen, the regularity and duration of their implementation. Here are the top 5 folk remedies for penis enlargement, reviews of men and doctors, as well as what dangerous techniques you should not use.

Is it possible to change the size of the penis at home

The size of the penis has long determined the owner's male strength and fertility. Since then, every third member of the male population wants to increase the length and diameter of the phallus. Hence the question, is it possible to do this at home with the help of folk remedies?

Results can only be achieved with the help of methods that work according to this principle:

  • Stretching of the cavernous, cavernous tissues of the penis shaft, on which the size of the body directly depends;
  • Increased blood circulation in the area of the uterus, which determines the strength of the erection, the speed of its onset, the expansion of the cavernous and cavernous bodies;
  • Stimulating the potential to increase erectile function, libido and sexual activity in general.

Although the size of the penis does not significantly affect sexual life, the ability to conceive, the problem is psychological in nature, causing complexes, self-doubt.

Against this background psychogenic erectile dysfunction may develop over time. Therefore, I recommend that you work on improving your settings, including with the help of folk remedies.

Top 5 folk remedies to enhance the dignity of men

Guys experienced in penis enlargement techniques know that if you follow only one method, the effect will be minimal. Therefore, we have compiled a selection of the most effective folk remedies for you to combine them and observe a positive trend. These are the components and recipes that affect the soft tissues of the body, blood circulation and erectile function.

In the top 5 rating tables of folk remedies:

Place in the ranking Name Advantages Disadvantages
One Herbal infusions
  • Low price of herbs in pharmacies;
  • Health and safety;
  • Long-term effects;
  • Stable results;
  • Positive effect on the whole body.
  • The result will have to wait a long time;
  • Some herbs cause allergic reactions;
  • Contraindications to chronic diseases of the internal organs;
  • Some herbs are hard to come by.
2 Honey massage
  • Lack of financial costs;
  • Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • Improving erection, prolonging sexual intercourse;
  • Stable result;
  • Prevention of stagnation processes, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • The need for long, regular exercise;
  • The effect will not be noticeable immediately;
  • Massage with honey can be painful;
  • Improper performance can lead to injury.
3 Ointment with propolis
  • Minimum financial costs;
  • There are no contraindications for side effects;
  • Beneficial effects on the body;
  • Potency enhancement;
  • Ease of use.
  • Long period of use;
  • Minor changes if not combined with other methods;
  • The likelihood of developing allergic reactions;
  • The need for regular preparation of ointment.
4 Petrolatum
  • Stable long-term results;
  • Instant effect;
  • Permissibility of home procedures;
  • Increase not only in length but also in volume;
  • Minimum financial costs.
  • Change in the appearance of the penis due to uneven accumulation of oil jelly;
  • Risk of infection;
  • Possible allergic reactions.
Five Soda paste
  • Minimum costs; To buy a product;
  • Minimum time spent;
  • Stimulate blood circulation, increase erection;
  • Powder disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Quick effect.
  • Temporary effect;
  • Trauma risks;
  • Burning sensation during the procedure;
  • Existence of contraindications.

Soda paste

Sodium bicarbonate has the ability to thin the blood, so it is used in the fight against strong erections and large penises. But here it is important to understand that soda does not directly affect the settings, but indirect changes are still possible if you choose the right technique.

Principle of action of soda:

  • Rapid penetration into body tissues;
  • Blood thinning;
  • Increased blood circulation;
  • Cleansing of toxins;
  • Destruction of pathogenic flora.
Soda paste to enlarge the penis

Instructions for use in recipes:

  1. Tray. For 200 ml take a teaspoon of soda. The member is kept in the solution for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to perform the procedures for 2 weeks or more, followed by performing exercises to stretch the body.
  2. To compress. Take 100 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of powder. Moisten a bandage or gauze bandage in the solution, wrapping the phallus around it. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, it is desirable to conduct it for at least a month.
  3. pen. The soda is mixed with a small amount of water to make a thick paste. Massage into the skin of the penis, do a light massage for 10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 3 times a day for at least a month.


  • BPH;
  • Cystitis;
  • შაშვი;
  • Prostatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • Allergic dermatitis.

If they are ignored, allergies, microcracks, wounds, burns and pain can occur.


Among the safe folk remedies for penis enlargement is the method of using oil jelly. To achieve a noticeable result, it is important to adhere to the recipes for a long time, using other methods in practice in parallel. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor to assess the risks.

Operating principle:

  • Pumping Vaseline under the skin of the penis;
  • Increase the length and thickness of the ointment liquid.

How to apply Vaseline:

  • The skin of the body is treated with antiseptic;
  • I pull the skin at the base of the stem;
  • Prepare a syringe, pour 15 ml of oil jelly into it;
  • Wrinkles are formed from the skin, an injection is made in it;
  • For equal distribution, injections are made in several places;
  • At the end the skin is treated with potassium permanganate (a light solution).
Vaseline injections for penis enlargement


  • Venereal diseases;
  • Damage to the phallus;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Vaseline intolerance.

Vaseline is injected slowly and carefully to prevent adverse reactions. It is advisable to entrust such an assignment to a person with medical education.

Uneven intake of ointment can cause curvature.

Ointment with propolis

Propolis is an adhesive used by bees to seal cracks in bees. It is a powerful biostimulator used to treat many diseases. It does not directly affect penis size, but experts note a positive effect on erection and potency.

Operating principle:

  • Saturation with micronutrients, minerals and vitamins for male strength;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Start regeneration;
  • Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory action;
  • Firming, tonic effect;
  • Increase resistance forces.

Cooking recipes:

  1. Candles. Melt animal fat (100 g) in a water bath, add 50 g of propolis, beeswax (previously poured into debris). After disassembling the components, they are poured into molds, frozen in the refrigerator compartment. Candles are actually used for at least 2 weeks.
  2. Ointment. Mix 100 g of alcohol with 20 g of propolis. The mixture is infused in a dark place for a week. Then add 0. 5 cups of melted butter or oil jelly. Rub the composition into the skin of the penis for 2-4 weeks.
  3. Tincture. To 150 g of bee glue add 150 ml of water or alcohol, send it to lay in a dark place for 14 days. Periodically, the composition should be shaken. The tincture is drunk inside 30 drops three times a day before meals for 7-14 days.


  • Allergy to bee products;
  • Intolerance to other components of the composition.

The unique composition of propolis has a positive effect on potency, the quality of erections.

No significant additions to the length and thickness of the penis are expected, but intimate life will definitely shine with new colors.

Honey massage

Honey contains a complex of vitamins, almost all amino acids, a set of microlytes, as well as enzymes that carry out biochemical reactions in the body. It is recommended to be taken orally, topically, including for penis enlargement. It does not guarantee a direct effect, but indirectly honey can normalize sexual functions and male potency. Therefore, it is combined with manual massage techniques to increase their effectiveness.

Operating principle:

  • As an aphrodisiac increases libido;
  • Has a long action, prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • Improves male fertility;
  • Normalizes the balance of hormones;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Prevention of stagnation processes;
  • Enhances orgasmic sensations.

Self-massage technique with honey:

  • Take a comfortable posture, for example, sit on a chair with your legs spread out or lie on a flat surface with pillows under your back;
  • Apply heated honey in a water bath on the skin of the penis, moisten the body to achieve an erection of about 60-70%;
  • Hold the base of the body with the index finger and index finger, squeezing slightly;
  • Stretch your fingers up to your head, without reducing the strength of the circle;
  • When you reach the head, change the hand rhythmically to the other, repeat the movements;
  • Repeat the stretching massage for 15-20 minutes so that one exercise consists of 50-100 movements (enough for 2 weeks of lessons), gradually increasing the number of approaches.

Contraindications to penis massage with honey:

  • Individual intolerance to bee products;
  • Injuries, wounds, scratches on the penis;
  • Congenital or acquired curvature of the stem;
  • Acute stage of diseases of the genitourinary system.

For maximum results and it is up to 2-4 cm in length and 1. 5 cm in thickness of the penis, it is necessary to massage several times a day for at least 1 month and preferably up to six months.

Other parallel techniques will help to enhance the effect.

Herbal infusions

When folk remedies are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is herbal medicine. This is one of the most effective folk methods of penis enlargement. To add a few centimeters in length and diameter, we recommend taking decoctions and infusions from the following plants:

  1. Ginkgo biloba. Put 1 liter of hot water in a thermos, then 5 g of dry leaves of the plant. Leave the composition for at least 2 hours, strain and drink 70 ml before each meal.
  2. Operating principle:

    • Hypersensitivity of the penis;
    • Source of enzymes of metabolic processes;
    • Improving member structure;
    • Increased erection, potency.
    • Ginseng. Mix 20 g of crushed plant root with 200 ml of alcohol at 70% concentration. Leave the mixture in a dark place for a week, stirring regularly. Take 30 drops of crushed tincture before each meal.
    • Operating principle:

      • Increased immunity;
      • Positive impact on sexual functions;
      • Increased potency;
      • Tonic effect;
      • Improve blood circulation;
      • Prevention of prostate diseases.
      • ginger. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Put it in a thermos with lemon and hot water. Leave the composition overnight, strain it, drink with honey.
      • Operating principle:

        • Increase potential;
        • Stimulate blood circulation;
        • Enhancement of erection;
        • Immunomodulatory effect;
        • Increased libido.
Ginger root to enlarge the penis

General contraindications to herbal infusions:

  • Plant intolerance;
  • Susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • Severe pathologies of the digestive system.

Do not expect quick changes. But in the course of herbal medicine you will not only improve the parameters of the phallus, but also improve your health in a comprehensive way.

These recipes have a beneficial effect on potency, erection, libido and prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dangerous methods of self-magnification

Not all techniques used by men to build a phallus are suitable for home implementation. We conducted research, collected all available methods, got acquainted with the instructions and risks.

After consultation with medical specialists, the following were recognized as the most dangerous:

  • Stopping cargo- An effective but extremely traumatic technique that most often causes rupture of the penile tissues and hematoma;
  • Vacuum pumps- If you use the method under the supervision of a doctor, the result will be without side effects, independent use of the pump often ends in vascular damage, hematomas;
  • Hormones- The use of drugs with hormonal composition without a doctor's appointment and control causes serious, sometimes irreparable pathological changes;
  • Stimulant pills- In case of erectile dysfunction, the doctor prescribes potential drugs, independent use causes a number of severe side effects;
  • Balsam star- Controversial technique, which involves a lot of side effects, negative reactions of the body, if it is not performed properly;
  • Vacuum cleaner- Many use this technique to create a vacuum, but most often it ends in injury, bleeding, inflammation;
  • Conspiracies- Experts advise to turn to higher forces, promising results, but only time-consuming daily labor can change.

Never use someone else's tips to enlarge your penis at home. What suits one man can harm another. To reduce the risk, consult your doctor before the procedures.

Feedback on the use of folk remedies

Reviews of men and doctors can be the basis of evidence if you doubt the appropriateness of a particular folk remedy. We have analyzed many posts on men’s forums, specialized internet sites, reviewed medical practices and statistics.


  1. Boy, 24 years old. "I have been raising my dignity for a year, first I switched to proper nutrition, I got rid of bad habits. Then I started combining a few folk recipes - honey massage, herbal tinctures. I fixed the first results after 3 months. I took a break for a month, my +2 cm did not come out, now I am going to repeat the course, suddenly it will be possible to add more parameters ".
  2. Boy, 25 years old. "I liked the method with soda, it especially helps me before sex, when you want to surprise a girl with a strong erection. I used to do baths before intimacy. Then I started to grind soda paste, make compresses. I followed, so there was no burning sensation or pain. "
  3. Male, 32 years old. "I went to a urologist in a private clinic on the way to penis enlargement, I refused surgery, so they found an alternative way - to introduce Vaseline injections. The result was insignificant, but instantaneous - plus 1 cm long and 0. 5 cm thick. After a few months, I recommend the technique, but not for independent use. "
  4. Male, 36 years old. "I have been working in beekeeping for many years. So I decided to try a propolis-based ointment to increase male potency. I followed the instructions, I rubbed for a long time. My erection got stronger, I started getting sick more rarely with various diseases.


  1. Andrologist, medical experience 10 years. "I am often approached by men of different ages with a desire to enlarge their penis. Alternative methods of proven effectiveness are a priority for me. I prescribe a course of ginseng, ginkgo biloba tincture. These herbs have long been used in the Oriental. Medicine, so I trust them. "
  2. Urologist, 18 years of medical experience. "I think the size of the penis can vary depending on how high the male potency is, the stronger the erection. I can not choose one of these methods. But if you combine herbs, massage, ointments and soda procedures, the effect is possible. Vaseline injections are a questionable proposition.
  3. Urologist, 25 years of experience. "I do not advise my patients to follow the large size of the phallus, this is not the main thing. But I strongly recommend maintaining an erection. One of the methods discussed, phytotherapy, has proven effectiveness. Ginkgo biloba, ginseng and ginger - you can use all this alternately or in parallel, butRecipes. "


Folk ways - the best alternative to phallus input operation, support for other programs. We have shown not only effective methods and instructions, but also dubious ideas that need to be destroyed. Not all recipes will be useful, some of them can be harmful.